Meetic vs DisonsDemain? Comparison in 19 statistics

Are you single and looking for a 118 dating site in france ? So you’ve heard of Meetic and DisonsDemain, and you want know the differences between these two dating sites. Do not panic, since we will do A comparative between these two platforms, and tell you the situations in which it Better to sign up for one or the other.

Meetic vs DisonsDemain – Comparison table

Notre comparative table between Meetic and DisonsDemain:

Dating website
Category Generalist Senior (50+)
Number of visitors / month 11 009 000 3 040 000
Unique visitors / month 1 242 000 1 319 000
Number of paying members (estimated) 372 600 179 750
Number of Visits / Unique visitor / Month 8,9 11,04
% connection via computer (vs Mobile) 66% 47%
Average connection duration 11m22s 9m20s
Pages / Visit 12,41 9,5
Number of unique female visitors / month 608 580 1 200 970
Number of unique visitors Men / Month 633 420 1 118 030
% Women 49% 63%
Offers singles events Yes, but chargeable yes, but chargeable.
Free site & exchanges? No, but free registration No, but free registration
Most represented age group 25-34 ans 65+
2nd most represented age group 18-24 55-64
% French visitors 94% 97%
Risk of fake profiles Weak Weak
Other dating site on the most viewed by members
Desire for a long-term relationship. Rating / 10 7 8
Quality dating site. Rating / 10 9 9

Our analysis of the differences between Meetic and DisonsDemain

To refine our analysis, we have the points major differences between the two dating sites:

1ère Battle : L’audience

  • Meetic has many more members and unique visitors per month (11M vs 3M / month).
    • Thus, if you live in a less populated area, you will have more members on Meetic.
  • Victory Meetic

2nd Battle: The age groups

  • DisonsDemain has a higher proportion over the age of 45 (the most represented segment)
    • While Meetic covers all age groups below.
    • So it depends on your age.
  • Equality between Meetic & DisonDemain

3rd Battle: member engagement

  • DisonsDemain has members who come more regularly
    • But members stay longer on Meetic on average
  • Equality between Meetic & DisonsDemain

4th Battle: the percentage of male versus female

  • Meetic has 49% women for 51% men, while the ratio is 63% at DisonsDemain
    • There are more women in proportion in the meetings between seniors.
  • Victory SayTomorrow

5th Battle: prices

    • The rates are substantially the same, and men and women must pay a subscription.
    • Meetic and DisonsDemain also offer Premium subscriptions.
  • Equality between Meetic & DisonsDemain

6th Battle: Fake Accounts

  • Meetic & DisonsDemain offer a low rate of registrations from abroad
  • And deletes accounts in case of slippage via a responsive moderation service.
  • Equality between Meetic & DisonsDemain

My final choice

First of all, you should know that Meetic and Say tomorrow belong to the same company, Match Group, which also owns Tinder.

The question is not really to know which one is better between Meetic and DisonsDemain (both are good), but rather to reason in terms of age.

  • If you are under 50, and you are looking for someone under 50, go to Meetic
  • If you have under 50and you are looking for someone over 50, go to SayTomorrow
  • If you are over 50and you are looking for someone over 50, go to SayTomorrow
  • If you are over 50 years old, and you are looking for someone under 50, go to Meetic

(!) We also offer you, a trick, to pay less for both dating website.

And don’t forget to share your comments below, in order to help your comrades, and to note that I propose other comparisons: Tinder vs Meetic or Meetic vs AdopteUnMec.

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